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ViaThinkSoft CodeLib

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CodeLibHow-TosWindows and Windows software

1. Download from

2. Run "E_Wise_w.exe setup.exe extracted" to extract the contents of "setup.exe" into the folder "extracted"

3. In the output, look for the line
"Looking for file with install instructions .. 0000XXXX.EWI"

4. Open the file mentioned into a hex editor

5. At offset 0x25, copy the bytes until the zero bytes.

6. To each byte, apply a "xor 255" operation

For step 5 and 6, the following PHP script can help you with this task
(for now, we assume that the install instructions are always in 00000002.ewi):



$cont file_get_contents(__DIR__.'/00000002.ewi');
if (!
$cont) die();
$pwd '';
for (
$i=0x25$cont[$i]!=chr(0x00); $i++) {
$pwd .= chr(ord($cont[$i])^0xFF);
$pwd .= "\r\n";
"Ok! Password: $pwd";


Daniel Marschall
ViaThinkSoft Co-Founder