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<< Vorheriger EintragBUG#0000207Nächster Eintrag >>
Bugreport: Undefined variable $test in OIDplusIpv6::addString()
Text / Beschreibung:

In OIDplusIpv6::addString() and due to rev188, $test is undefined and should be replaced by $str in order to pass the ipv6_in_cidr() test.

By the way, the new OIDplusLogger::split_maskcodes() is a quite neat correction :-D

Insgesamt 1 Antwort(en) vorhanden.
Thank you so much for your bug report and the time you spend by researching the source code!

The issue has been fixed in SVN Rev 289

Since OIDplus is a very new product with only a few users, I would be happy to learn more about you as new OIDplus administrator, and exchange ideas and suggestions with you. I can also help you with initial migration of data if possible/required. You can contact me at info at

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thinkBug v0.16 beta - Build 2024-01-30